About Me

How this Journey Began

Hello friend! My name is Chelsea and I feel so blessed to be reaching you right now. I have always had a love for writing/ journaling and a love for my Father and I am so fortunate that He is allowing me to combine those two loves. Here is a link back to my very first post that truly highlights the combination of faith/ fear/ trust/ crossed fingers that it took for me to even begin. This next link explains where I got the title of “Live Simply in Christ.” And the following goes a little deeper into how I know that in all things He cares for me. Enjoy!

I have a love/ hate relationship with our basement. I love that it is about 700 square feet of open space. I love that it is where all the random junk in my life finds a home. I love that I can close the door at the top of the steps and forget that it even exists. But I hate that inevitably in about 6 months time that junk somehow begins to multiply and we have to clean it out. So we cleared a Saturday and began the task. Another fun fact about me is while I’m usually organized and task oriented, when it comes to cleaning- not so much. I become distracted by every little thing I find. Oohing and ahhing (and definitely not crying…) as I go through each little outfit from Wyatt’s first year. Can you say counterproductive?

This particular day I was going through a box of my things from college. I found lots of old notebooks and textbooks that my professors had insisted we keep. And in that box I also found a journal. I flipped through and began reading some of the entries. I remembered buying this journal. It was during my first year at school, when my relationship with God was really beginning to deepen.

I have always been a journaler, especially during my quiet time with the Lord. I just don’t feel like my time is complete until I write out my thoughts. Flipping through this journal I found myself convicted by my own words. And I realized that these were not of me, but of the Spirit in me. Words as timeless as these can only come from one source.

Then I felt that same source stir within me and whisper the word “share.” And that’s when I knew I was called to share all of these secret truths that had been revealed to me over the years. I realized that I had been on a journey. A journey of making myself less and making Him more through countless lessons learned. All of the many puzzle pieces, of which each one I could individually name, were finally clicking together. I am no where near finished with who God is making me to be. Just like my basement, I get filled up with junk and have to clean out and so the journey continues. I am so thankful that you are considering taking this journey with me and I can’t wait to see where we end up.

2 Corinthians 4: 5- 7 “For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.”

Chelsea lives on a cattle farm in Stanford, Ky with her husband Trevor and children Wyatt and Eliza. She is a teacher by day and truth seeker by night. Please leave a comment and share who you are and where you are reading. Can’t wait to hear from you.