
Getting to know my Savior is one of the most meaningful things I’ve done in my life. This past year, I completed a bible study that was centered around the life of Jesus. It was a Beth Moore study that I began last April and finished at the close of the year. I have always been thankful for what Jesus did for me, but in the past thinking about him made me feel small, intimidated, and unworthy. I was afraid to allow Jesus into the darkest parts of my heart because he’s, well, perfect.

But as I began to unpack all of my baggage and lay it down, I became so humbled by the fact that he moves so much in my small, insignificant life. He was constantly making connections and fulfilling prayers to prove that he was there and cares for me. After building my trust, He then unwrapped the hardest part of my heart- the part made of selfishness and pride. I watched it crumble in his hands. This is the place where I ended and He began to shine through me.

The more I realized how flawed I am as a human, the more special Jesus’ sacrifice became. Anger, revenge, self-centeredness, pride are all such strong themes in this world, but they are not of God. Jesus offers a peace that passes all understanding. A relationship. Unconditional love.

And to top it all off, not only did he save me, but he delights in me the same way I delight in my own son. He made me, and knows every step I will take, yet looks forward to walking it with me.

And as I finished my time with Jesus during this study, I was no longer intimidated but renewed, grateful, and purposeful. Because if Jesus died for me, then this life is His and I must spend it serving Him.

Romans 6:10 “Yes, when Christ died, he died to defeat the power of sin one time- enough for all time. He now has a new life, and his new life is with God.”

So during this week of remembrance for our Savior, we must keep our eyes on the cross, our hearts focused on loving Him, and our sights set on heaven. Be confident in Jesus’ love for you and rooted in your salvation. Because He is the only unbreakable thing in this broken world. Thank you, Jesus.

If you are ready to know Jesus more, click here.

He’s waiting for you.

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